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replaze naturale with extracts from stevia plant for calorie free sweetener

The stevia plant is a shrub-like plant with purple or white flowers found primarily in Paraguay, where it has been used for centuries as a natural sweetener. Extract from the leaves of the stevia plant is used as a calorie-free sweetener.

Stevia leaves produce a sweet, calorie-free substance called glycoside stevioside, which is a zero-calorie sweetener.

Stevia is a sugar substitute derived from the leaves of the stevia plant that is significantly sweeter than sugar but contains no calories, which has made it ideal for low-carb diets and those watching their sugar intake.

Replaze™ Naturale Stevia currently comes in three forms :

  • Replaze™ Naturale Stevia Minis

  • Replaze™ Naturale Stevia Sachets

  • Replaze™ Naturale Stevia Powder (In a Jar)

  • The Replaze™ Naturale Stevia minis are used to blend in with your hot and cold beverages.

    The Replaze™ Naturale Stevia Sachets can be added to beverages or sprinkled over cereals, fruits, doughnuts etc.

    The Replaze™ Naturale Stevia Powder can be used as an alternative wherever you use sugar like blending in with yoghurts and adding in fruit salads.

    Stevia rebaudiana is a member of the Compositae, native to Paraguay. It produces a number of high-potency low-calorie sweeteners in its leaf tissue. The plant was used extensively by the Guarani people for more than 1,500 years, and the plant has a long history of medicinal use in Paraguay and Brazil.[15] The leaves have been traditionally used for hundreds of years in Paraguay and Brazil to sweeten local teas, medicines and as a "sweet treat".

    Steviol is the basic building block of stevia's sweet glycosides.

    To produce rebaudioside A commercially, stevia plants are dried and subjected to a water extraction process. This crude extract contains about 50% rebaudioside A; its various glycoside molecules are separated via crystallization techniques,

    Replaze™Naturale is also sold in Hypermarkets, Supermarkets, High-end Grocery stores and Pharmacies.

    Hyper-Markets and SuperMarkets: Most of the hyper markets have a dedicated section for sweeteners. You can find Replaze™Naturale and other sweeteners on the shelf. Some outlets have dedicated DIABETIC /LOW CARB/DIET sections and Replaze™will be available on the shelves out there.

    High end Grocery Stores :

  • Unlike Hyper and Super markets, most Grocers do not categorise Sweeteners and usually sweeteners will be found in the Tea/Coffee/creamer section. If you can't locate Replaze™Naturale easily; do not hesitate to ask the Merchandiser/Salesman or at the check- out counter.

  • Pharmacy :

  • Replaze™Naturale is generally well displayed on the Nutrition section or at check out counter. If you are unable to find the product please ask your pharmacist and he will be happy to help. Should you need further help, we would only be glad to assist you in locating Replaze™Naturale in your city; Please write to

    • How to USE it
    • What exactly is STEVIA
    • Where to LOCATE